A Doswindows Computer Design can do all that Windows can, without the Mouse Pointer apparatus. In Doswindows the computer screen is sectioned off into a grid with each square in the grid having anywhere from 1/8 inch by 1/8 inch square. This is a much more stable design than Windows since it does not leave DOS programming, and, the Internet with Doswindows is much more stable, as well. For the "Desk Top," then, the computer screen grid is sectioned off into one inch by one inch squares. Each square has a number on the grid which can be refrenced by a key and the number for that grid. The upper left grid is one by one, next to it is, one by two, and so forth. to get the right grid number for a function to operate on the computer, you simply type in the grid number coordinates. Thus, you hit the "grid key" on the key board and then you type in 1 and 1, and the right grid with the right program or function is activated. If you wish to access another program or function withe the computer then you punch the "grid key" fuction key, and then, 1-2 , for example. You can attach an icon where the program or function is on the screen grid, but you cannot hide the grid coordinates. In this way the computer can function without a mouse, which lowers the cost substantially and improves the reliability.
Perpetual (C)Copyright and (P)Patent by Anthony J. Fejfar and Neothomism, P.C., (PA) and
the American Public as a Public Domain Copyright and Patent.
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