Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Mechanical Advantage Electrical Generator

The Mechanical Advantage Electrical Generator design below, is hereby Copyrighted and Patented by Anthony J. Fejfar and Anthony J. Faber and Neothomism, P.C. (PA) and the American Public as a Public Domain Patent.
Here is how it works: You plug in a big AC Electric Motor to an Electrical Outlet on the Grid somewhere, and, then you attach an big Mac Truck 18 wheeler transmission to the aforesaid Electric Motor drive shaft, and then you attach the transmission drive shaft to a big AC Turbine Electrical Generator. The mechanical advantage produced by the transmission will multiply the electricity produced by the Electrical Generator by approximately 200% or more. In other words, you can input 3000 KW of electricity and you get 12000KW output or more with this design. This is a way of producting electricity virtually for free after your startup costs are paid.

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